Google Review of WebTrends8 2008 | Google Web Analytics Consultant - Webanalytics Expert

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Review of WebTrends8 2008

The presentation of emetrics in WebTreds Analytics8 is awesome. Even a newbie to web analytics can easily understand the complete behaviour of website visitors by having WebTrends analytics tool. The problems most companies using web analytics tools confront is the inability to make decisions to improve the website conversions. But WebTrends is an exception in the way it facilitates easy decision making for improving website conversions.

WebTrends renders the following features to measure the performance of marketing.

1)Performance Dashboards
2)Interactive Reporting Console
3)Business Intelligence Integration
4)Custom Reporting
5) 5-Point Scenario Analysis
6)First-Party Cookies

1)Performance Dashboards provides accurate benchmark KPIs. "What if" scenarios in Perfomance dashboards facilitates identification of focus points in Marketing.

2)Interactive Reporting Console assists each and every member of the company to filter, drill & query the emetrics to realize their business results.

3)Business Intelligence Integration provides you with the capability to use any business tools.

4)Custom Reporting aids you in generating advanced reports to measure your marketing performance.

5) 5-Point Scenario Analysis portrays the point at which your website visitors are dropping and why they take such actions.

6)WebTrends uses WebTrends First-Party Cookies.

Read more about WebTrends8 here.